Shiitake – the Hidden Gem of Ordinary Mushrooms

Shiitake – the Hidden Gem of Ordinary Mushrooms

Lentinula edodes, aka Shiitake, is one ordinary yet quite spectacular mushroom. It might not yet be well-known in the United States for its medicinal value, but the Shiitake mushroom offers several culinary and curative applications. This mushroom’s dual function is why it has enjoyed such popularity for so long, and why it needs to be on your radar.

Electrolytes – The Tiny Spark Your Body Needs

Electrolytes – The Tiny Spark Your Body Needs

The body is made up of and requires many kinds of minerals to perform basic processes. Some of these minerals are more necessary than others and are involved in multiple body functions. Electrolytes are such minerals. There are seven primary electrolytes: Bicarbonate, Calcium, Chloride, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Sodium.

Have a Sun-Healthy Summer

Have a Sun-Healthy Summer

Speaking of how the sun feels on our skin, basking in those summer rays isn’t always a good thing. 5-15 minutes daily (up to 30 minutes for darker skin) of unfiltered sunlight helps our bodies get enough natural vitamin D, but any more than that can start to cause damage. How?
Heart Healthy Snacks for the Summer

Heart Healthy Snacks for the Summer

While summer fun is…FUN, often it can lead to a relaxed diet. Or at least, you may pay less attention to what you eat because IT’S SUMMER. And a diet of burgers, chips, and soda is totally nutritional, isn’t it? Plus, carbs don’t count in the summer, right? If only! Good news is, eating healthy doesn’t have to dampen your summer fun. The key is planning out snacks and making them fun and easy!

6 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress

6 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress

In the ever-busy modern world, life moves at an amazingly fast pace. And sometimes we get tangled up in what we’re doing, and we get stressed out because we can’t quite keep up. Wouldn’t life be so much easier without stress?
May 31, 2021
Establishing Work-Life Balance: Working from Home

Establishing Work-Life Balance: Working from Home

A year ago, working from home became a new norm for several people. Hoping that it wouldn’t be a permanent change, not everyone was quick to adapt and still some may struggle. But many people have found that they actually thrive working from home – it all comes down to finding a good work-life balance.
Beta-Glucans: What They Are & Why You Should Include Them in Your Diet

Beta-Glucans: What They Are & Why You Should Include Them in Your Diet

Beta-glucan is typically a soluble fiber found in the cell walls of bacteria, yeasts, algae, grains and mushrooms (like Reishi, Cordyceps, Maitake, Shiitake, Lion’s Mane and Chaga). The beta-glucans in mushrooms are attracting a great deal of attention due to their many health benefits.
Energy-Boosting Smoothie Bowl

Energy-Boosting Smoothie Bowl

Do you ever look back on your childhood, teen years, and even early 20’s and wish you had that kind of energy again? Nutrition plays a huge role in our energy levels and by eating the right types of foods, you can give your body a natural energy boost.
March 19, 2021
7 Tips to a Healthier Gut

7 Tips to a Healthier Gut

A healthy gut has a diverse community of microbes. Of these microbes, the most important are the good bacteria which aid in preventing bad bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc., from entering the rest of your body. A leaky gut happens when there’s an imbalance between the beneficial bacteria and the bad stuff (cue heartburn, etc.).
February 23, 2021
11 Helpful Hacks for Healthy Hair

11 Helpful Hacks for Healthy Hair

While some people might see their hair as a “crowning glory,” for others it is a constant disappointment. This is typically because it is dry and without luster, which is caused, at least partly, by how they treat it.
October 16, 2020
So You Think You Can Drink Your Vitamins? Juicing vs Smoothies

So You Think You Can Drink Your Vitamins? Juicing vs Smoothies

The juicing craze has slowed down, but it looks like it will be around for a good while. Obviously, as a snack or meal replacement instead of fast food, juicing is a huge plus, but for meeting your daily nutritional requirements, it has some serious drawbacks. So, before you put all your eggs (or vitamins) in one blender, let’s look a bit deeper.
August 12, 2020
You Are What You Digest

You Are What You Digest

It is important to understand that digestion is the foundation of your health and health is the measurement of how efficiently the cells in your body conduct thousands of life functions. These functions are possible only when enough energy and raw materials are present, and digestion is the process that makes these things available. Thus, the saying, “You are what you eat” or “You are what you absorb” should instead be, “You are what you digest.”