Managing Menopause Weight Gain: A Holistic Approach

Managing Menopause Weight Gain: A Holistic Approach

Menopause is a natural process that comes at the end of a women’s reproductive phase. While it’s a normal part of aging, it can bring with it a range of uncomfortable symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and weight gain.


Join us as we explore some of the most effective and natural ways for managing menopause weight gain.
Detoxing Magnesium Smoothie

Detoxing Magnesium Smoothie

In a world littered with scams like detox pills and miracle cleanse detoxes, it can be hard to believe that something as simple and splendid as a smoothie could do any good.

But the truth is, your body has a natural detox system and with the right nutrients, you can enhance its performance. This nutrient-rich detox smoothie uses powerful superfoods to help cleanse and detox your body naturally – and it tastes delicious!

Tips for Promoting Prostate Health

Tips for Promoting Prostate Health

Prostate cancer affects over 200,000 men each year and it is the second leading cause of death among males worldwide. Although there is no definite way to prevent this disease, years of research have suggested that certain healthy habits may help reduce the risk.

Keep reading for prostate health tips that will help lower your risk for prostate issues.

September 24, 2022
7 Simple Ways to Keep Fit on Hot Days

7 Simple Ways to Keep Fit on Hot Days

Regular exercise is a crucial element for overall health and wellness. It’s important to get any kind of physical activity most days, regardless of external factors that may keep you from doing so.

Fortunately, there are many ways to stay active and care for your body even when the ambient temperature is at its peak. Here are some simple tips to keep cool and get fit during summer...

How to Stay Active Indoors this Winter

How to Stay Active Indoors this Winter

The winter months are perfect for curling up in your warmest blankets, donning your comfy clothes, and binging some great shows or reading your favorite books while sipping on a nice warm beverage. Afterall – it’s way too cold to go anywhere! But don’t let the cold keep you from staying active.
January 03, 2022
A Guide to Making Realistic New Year’s Resolutions

A Guide to Making Realistic New Year’s Resolutions

Can you believe that 2021 is already over? It has been a full and busy year, but now, we’re excited to see what 2022 has in store! However, before the ball drops on New Year’s Eve, it’s time to partake in one of the world’s oldest traditions – making New Year’s Resolutions.

December 27, 2021
Women & Hormonal Health

Women & Hormonal Health

When women look to better their health, not only are they doing it for themselves, but to nurture generations to come. Women’s health encompasses more than general mental and physical health – women must also look at hormonal health.

September 27, 2021
Chocolate Chia Reishi Pudding

Chocolate Chia Reishi Pudding

Chocolate Chia Reishi Pudding is a simple yet delicious treat. It might be just the easiest, healthy dessert recipe you can make and without any baking! Because the chia seeds expand in your stomach, it will help you feel fuller longer. So not only is it tasty, but it’s a treat you can feel good about eating even when you are dieting. It’s rich, decadent and chocolatey, and you don’t need to feel guilty about enjoying it!

9 Tasty Weight Loss Snacks

9 Tasty Weight-Loss Snacks

Snacking while trying to lose weight actually helps your efforts. For one thing, snacking gives your body some needed fuel between meals. Sometimes dieting can deplete your nutrient or enzyme levels. If you are starting to lose steam before lunchtime or feeling some fatigue between lunch and dinner, then a nutritious snack could give you the boost you need.
January 08, 2021
So You Think You Can Drink Your Vitamins? Juicing vs Smoothies

So You Think You Can Drink Your Vitamins? Juicing vs Smoothies

The juicing craze has slowed down, but it looks like it will be around for a good while. Obviously, as a snack or meal replacement instead of fast food, juicing is a huge plus, but for meeting your daily nutritional requirements, it has some serious drawbacks. So, before you put all your eggs (or vitamins) in one blender, let’s look a bit deeper.
August 12, 2020
Why We Need To Boost Digestion

Why We Need To Boost Digestion

While indigestion has always been an issue, for a long time it experts thought it to be a byproduct of poor eating habits. Professionals have now begun to recognize a number of afflictions which can be linked to the malabsorption of nutrients. Many of these are now being identified as being due to a lack of / or problem with an individual’s digestive enzymes.
You Are What You Digest

You Are What You Digest

It is important to understand that digestion is the foundation of your health and health is the measurement of how efficiently the cells in your body conduct thousands of life functions. These functions are possible only when enough energy and raw materials are present, and digestion is the process that makes these things available. Thus, the saying, “You are what you eat” or “You are what you absorb” should instead be, “You are what you digest.”