Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca)


Part Used

Whole herb

Country of Origin


What is Motherwort for?

Also called lion’s tail, motherwort is an upright, prickly bush with dark green leaves and furry purple or pink flowers. It was first used by the ancient Greeks to reduce anxiety during childbirth. Research indicates that the herb provides several health benefits.

Traditional Health Benefits of Motherwort

  • Support a positive mood

  • Alleviates anxiety and depression

  • Provides antioxidant properties

  • May lower heart rate and blood pressure

  • Aids in heart health

  • Decreases inflammation


  • Artificial Coloring Free

  • Artificial Flavoring Free

  • GMO Free

  • Sugar Free

  • Soy Free

  • Yeast Free

  • Dairy Free

  • Corn Free
  • Gluten Free

  • Wheat Free

  • Nut Free

  • MSG Free

  • Egg Free

  • Fish Free

  • Peanut Free

  • Shellfish Free

  • Kosher

  • Organic


This information in our Ingredient Reference Guide is intended only as a general reference for further exploration and is not a replacement for professional health advice. This content does not provide dosage information, format recommendations, toxicity levels, or possible interactions with prescription drugs. Accordingly, this information should be used only under the direct supervision of a qualified health practitioner such as a naturopathic physician.

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