The Pure Blog
The 5 Best Supplements Every Man Should be Taking
Taking control of men's health involves many factors: proper diet, the right amount of sleep, drinking water, exercise, and many others. You can make resolutions and promises that you will change all of these things today and go on a health kick, but it is often easier said than done.
We’ve put together a list of the five best supplements that men should integrate into their daily routines to guarantee overall health.
5 Supplements to Boost Your Workout Routine
The purpose of using supplements with your workout routine is to help your body increase its endurance, performance, recovery, etc. Just like health supplements, each workout supplement contains specific ingredients to target particular areas of your body – some may help build muscles, others augment energy, etc.
9 Signs You Might Have A Vitamin C Deficiency
Electrolytes – The Tiny Spark Your Body Needs
The body is made up of and requires many kinds of minerals to perform basic processes. Some of these minerals are more necessary than others and are involved in multiple body functions. Electrolytes are such minerals. There are seven primary electrolytes: Bicarbonate, Calcium, Chloride, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Sodium.
Heart Healthy Snacks for the Summer
While summer fun is…FUN, often it can lead to a relaxed diet. Or at least, you may pay less attention to what you eat because IT’S SUMMER. And a diet of burgers, chips, and soda is totally nutritional, isn’t it? Plus, carbs don’t count in the summer, right? If only! Good news is, eating healthy doesn’t have to dampen your summer fun. The key is planning out snacks and making them fun and easy!
9 Tasty Weight-Loss Snacks
Who Needs Enzymes
In 2014, the United States Department of Health and Human Services reported that 70 million adult Americans experience chronic digestive distress. Consumer surveys reveal even higher numbers. Who should take digestive enzymes depends on your view of nutrition, as to whether you would prefer to take a proactive or reactive approach to digestion and digestive enzyme supplements.