Liver Disease in Women – Signs, Symptoms, and What You Can Do

Liver Disease in Women – Signs, Symptoms, and What You Can Do

Liver disease is a problem that affects roughly 4.5 million Americans according to the CDC. And while liver problems are sometimes viewed as a “male” problem since men are often more susceptible to certain liver diseases and conditions, women have their own share of particular liver concerns to be on the lookout for!
7 Simple Ways to Keep Fit on Hot Days

7 Simple Ways to Keep Fit on Hot Days

Regular exercise is a crucial element for overall health and wellness. It’s important to get any kind of physical activity most days, regardless of external factors that may keep you from doing so.

Fortunately, there are many ways to stay active and care for your body even when the ambient temperature is at its peak. Here are some simple tips to keep cool and get fit during summer...

The 6 Best Supplements Every Man Should be Taking

The 5 Best Supplements Every Man Should be Taking

Taking control of men's health involves many factors: proper diet, the right amount of sleep, drinking water, exercise, and many others. You can make resolutions and promises that you will change all of these things today and go on a health kick, but it is often easier said than done.

We’ve put together a list of the five best supplements that men should integrate into their daily routines to guarantee overall health.

Why We Love Maca

Why We Love Maca

The maca root has been used for thousands of years as a natural aphrodisiac and herbal medicine. Now, research today is beginning to confirm what people have known for centuries: this little root is a powerhouse when it comes to sex drive, mood, energy, and overall vitality.

Here are all of the many reasons we love the maca root, plus how to reap the maca benefits by choosing a good supplement.

6 Science-Based Benefits of Milk Thistle

6 Science-Based Benefits of Milk Thistle

Found growing on every continent, milk thistle may be one of the most commonly known healing herbs. Despite its barbed appearance, this native European thistle has been used for its medicinal properties for over 2000 years. It is a source of many nutrients, including calcium, potassium, chloride, and phosphorus. But what is the real secret behind it's potent properties?
Getting to Know JointEssence™

Getting to Know JointEssence™

Physical activity is essential for abundant health. Not only does it boost your heart health, metabolism, and mental health, but it helps you manage your weight and lower the risk for several diseases. Unfortunately, for many, joint pain or stiffness can limit physical activityClinical studies have proven the worth of many joint health ingredients. However, we believe that three specific supplements can help get you “back in motion” more quickly and completely than others.

5 Supplements to Boost Your Workout Routine

5 Supplements to Boost Your Workout Routine

The purpose of using supplements with your workout routine is to help your body increase its endurance, performance, recovery, etc. Just like health supplements, each workout supplement contains specific ingredients to target particular areas of your body – some may help build muscles, others augment energy, etc.

January 10, 2022
How to Stay Active Indoors this Winter

How to Stay Active Indoors this Winter

The winter months are perfect for curling up in your warmest blankets, donning your comfy clothes, and binging some great shows or reading your favorite books while sipping on a nice warm beverage. Afterall – it’s way too cold to go anywhere! But don’t let the cold keep you from staying active.
January 03, 2022
Getting to Know IMMUNIN-6™

Getting to Know IMMUNIN-6™

You undoubtedly know that your immune system protects you against disease causing germs, like bacteria, viruses, parasites, allergens, etc. But did you know that there are two major parts to your immune system?

Getting to Know BrainEssence™

Getting to Know BrainEssence™

Much of what we call “age-related brain decline” is the accumulated damage done by poor diet, extreme stress, lack of exercise, and poor sleeping patterns. While such decline becomes most apparent after age 50, your mental peak occurs at about 30. This is why good brain nutrition can be beneficial to all ages.
Have a Sun-Healthy Summer

Have a Sun-Healthy Summer

Speaking of how the sun feels on our skin, basking in those summer rays isn’t always a good thing. 5-15 minutes daily (up to 30 minutes for darker skin) of unfiltered sunlight helps our bodies get enough natural vitamin D, but any more than that can start to cause damage. How?
Establishing Work-Life Balance: Working from Home

Establishing Work-Life Balance: Working from Home

A year ago, working from home became a new norm for several people. Hoping that it wouldn’t be a permanent change, not everyone was quick to adapt and still some may struggle. But many people have found that they actually thrive working from home – it all comes down to finding a good work-life balance.
May 17, 2021